Stretches to Help Relieve Tight Shoulders
Tight shoulders can cause pain or stiffness in your neck, back, arms and upper body, and limit your daily activities. Your shoulders may feel tight and stiff as the result of stress, tension, and overuse. Tight shoulders can be also caused by sitting for extended periods, incorrect sleeping positions, and injuries. Poor posture and improper alignment of your body can also play a part. Click here for 12 Stretches to help release your shoulders and arms
The Effects of Stress on Your Body
You’re sitting in traffic, late for an important meeting, watching the minutes tick away. Your hypothalamus, a tiny control tower in your brain, decides to send out the order: Send in the stress hormones! These stress hormones are the same ones that trigger your body’s “fight or flight” response. Your heart races, your breath quickens, and your muscles ready for action. This response was designed to protect your body in an emergency by preparing you to react quickly. But when the stress response keeps firing, day after day, it could put your health at serious risk. Click here to learn more about the effects of stress on your body
Things That Happen When You Sit Down All Day
More than half of us spend over six hours sitting down each and every day, and a widening rear end isn’t the only result. Sitting can have short- and long-term effects on your health and body, making this seemingly benign activity potentially deadly. Click here to see what happens when you sit down all day