
We are all unique ~ “It’s OK to be YOU!”  Mental Health is a key element to our wellbeing and a talking therapy is a way to improve it.  There are numerous organisations and charities promoting Mental Health awareness.  The stigma of needing help with your mental health is now a thing of the past.  Heads Together promoted by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge is an excellent example.  Prince William has admitted that he needed help following the death of his mother, Princess Diana.

Seeking Help

Counselling seems to be a word that is used a lot these days.  It’s really only having someone to talk to that isn’t going to judge your thoughts or feelings. We at some point in our lives always need to talk to someone.  If it’s a difficult decision you need to make or whether it’s a difficult time in your life sometimes you just need someone to help you work through your thoughts.

Counselling doesn’t make the decision for you, only you can do that but it can help you to understand your feelings, help you to realise that it’s ok to be you!

How can we help?

We have helped clients work through their difficulties with partners or with family issues, also with more personal worries and low self-esteem. We have successfully helped clients with the more complex issues associated with ME. Whatever your concerns are that are hindering you enjoying your life, we can help you attain the tools to help you achieve the change you desire.

Remember It’s OK to be YOU! and your Mental Health is a key element to your wellbeing and a talking therapy is a way to improve it.  

There is an enormous amount of power in those words – “It’s OK to be YOU!”   you will achieve the change you desire – we are here to help you do just that!

Take  your first steps of change, call us on 07795 21 1955 or Contact us here today.